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Kasey and Nate’s Military Wedding | Sunday River Maine

Title | Kasey + Nate’s Story

1) Tell us how you first met? Who what when where why? Give us the dirty details.

N: I think my first memory of seeing her was at an early morning Navy workout session while we were in college. It was 6am so obviously everyone was looking their best; groggy, no coffee, and sleep deprived. Flash forward two years, we reconnected at a 10k race that led to a date to a halloween party where she Gronk-spiked the first beer I ever bought her. She’ll tell you it was an accident, I say she was just super pumped the Red Sox had just one another World Series.

K: He might have actually been yelling at me the first time we ever met. I was a freshman going through our Navy orientation just before my first semester, and he was one of the upperclassmen running it. We saw each other a lot over the next few years because of being in ROTC and we had several mutual friends, but we first really started talking after both running the Marine Corps 10k in D.C. In the fall of 2013.


2) When did you know he/she was the one? Was there something he/she did?, etc.

N: Probably on our trip with friends to the Virgin Islands. I just remember thinking I want to see the rest of the world with this girl.

K: I honestly don’t think there was one single moment or action…just a culmination of things. One moment we were in a relationship just enjoying spending time together, and the next thing I knew I wanted to spend forever with him.


3) Tell us about the proposal. (Did you see it coming, how long was it in the planning?, how did you feel? nervous, excited, freaking out?)

N: It all kinda came together very quickly. We’d talked about it here and there, I think we both knew we wanted to marry eachother. I got the chance to go home for the first time in a year for a Fourth of July weekend and I think my parents actually brought up the topic and that really got the ball rolling. When it came time to ask her father, we had to do it over Skype. After 45 minutes of dancing around the question we finally got down the point where I had to ask Mrs. Laveway to leave the room and when I asked for his permission I’m pretty sure she screamed “YESS” from the kitchen. As for the proposal itself, I managed to get her dressed up and out on the hotel room balcony with the excuse that I wanted to take her picture at sunset. I set up the tripod and camera and told her to look off into the ocean. That gave me just enough time to set the timer and find the ring and sneak up right behind her.

K: I kind of suspected something during one of my trips down to see him while he was in flight school, but he was plotting with my sister and she totally threw me off. When it actually happened, I was caught off-guard. We went to Ft. Walton beach for a mini-vacation since it was close to where he was stationed, and we had this gorgeous room right on the water with a balcony overlooking the beach. That’s where he asked me, we were out on the balcony at sunset. We’d actually just finished watching a couple get married out on the beach in front of our hotel. He did a really good job, the setting was perfect!



4) Tell us the one thing you love most about each other.

K: I love how thoughtful he is. He’s always doing little things here and there that just remind me how lucky I am to get to spend my life with him. Like when I work a long shift, I’ll come home at 7:30-8pm and he’ll have dinner ready and have picked me up something sweet for dessert (I have a terrible sweet tooth).

N: And I love her sweet tooth. I can fix her worst day at work with a pint of Ben and Jerry’s, I’ve always got at least one in the freezer ready to go. She’s easy to please.



5) If you feel comfortable, share with us something silly or quirky the other person does.

N: She can fall asleep on the couch, and I’m talking deep sleep, be woken up to go to bed and in a complete daze, barely awake…she will still ask for ice cream.

K: Nate loves to cook, which works out well because I love to eat yummy foods. He has this habit however of using just about every pot and pan we own to make one meal. I can’t help but laugh whenever the kitchen sink is overflowing with all our cookware.



6) Besides getting married – what’s the one thing you are looking forward to on your wedding day?

N: Finally being done with wedding planning.

K: I’m really looking forward to having so many people we love all together in one place for a whole weekend to celebrate!



Vendor List

Photography | Nate Creamer Photography

Video | SP Films

Florist | Holmes Greenhouse

Ceremony Location | Jordan Hotel, Sunday River

Reception Location | Jordan Hotel, Sunday River

DJ | Greg Powers

Cake |Peter Gray, Pete’s Sweets

Dress Designer | Melissa Sweet

Hair & Makeup | Kim Weaver, Glow Salon

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