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Josceline and Jon | Portsmouth NH Engagement Session

It’s very rare I get to shoot in perfect lighting conditions but someone was watching over me for Josceline and Jon’s engagement session. We met in downtown Portsmouth, NH around 6:30pm and I got them warmed up to the camera with some simple walking shots on a quiet back street. They quickly got comfortable as we walked around downtown until we eventually decided to take a drive to Rye beach for sunset photos. On our way to Rye, we came across a small park where the golden sun was pouring through the trees —  we had to pull over to get a few shots. After being attacked by a mob of misquotes we eventually made our way to the beach where we were not only chasing the last few minutes of light but also racing to beat the ocean tide. The original plan was to get some shots with the drone out on the rocky pier but the tide came in too fast so we had to change plans. Josceline and Jon took off their shoes and rolled up their pants as they waded through the rocky waters. Although we got wet, almost lost a pair of shoes downstream, it was totally worth the images we got!


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