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Jasmin and Kristi | The North House

  1. Jasmin:We met on OkCupid in the spring of 2013! I messaged her first because her picture kept popping up and it said we would be a great match. Her profile was extremely funny and I kept wondering if she would be that funny in person. After a few exchanges, we decided to meet at a local bar. Kristi was late but it was worth the wait!

    Kristi:I saw Jasmin’s profile on OKCupid. I knew I wanted to write a thoughtful message so I postponed my response. The next thing I knew Jas sent me the best message. We had our first date for over 6 hours and I couldn’t wait to see her again!

  2. Jasmin: I didn’t know it, but Kristi was extremely romantic. Right after our 1st date she messaged me the next day to see if I had any plans. I did but I canceled them right away to make time for her and we went out the Saturday after our Friday date. I loved her directness and wanted to spend as much time with her as possible. During our first week of dating we spent a lot of time together, but my favorite date was a romantic picnic that Kristi planned at a beach in Chicago. She made all the food herself and I remember the most romantic kiss as the sunset. I knew then.

    Kristi: During our first date. Definitely.

  3. Jasmin: We’d been talking about getting married for a very long time and knew that we both wanted to propose to each other in our own unique ways. It’s really hard to try to surprise someone once you’ve told them what’s coming down the line, but we both did! I was very excited and impatient because we had some trouble with when I was supposed to get Kristi’s ring. I had planned a wonderful Memorial Day weekend filled with lots of quality time together and with friends. The day when I thought I would propose the jeweler told me the ring was delayed. I was not a happy camper, but I put on a smile and we all had a great weekend. I luckily had a great friend that was on hand whenever I decided to propose. I ended up taking her to the same bar where we had our first date during a popular festival and popping the question there. It was such a great night!

    Kristi: Jasmin beat me to the punch line. I had a whole “first” plan and invited friends to help out. The next thing I knew she was on one knee at our favorite bar (and our first sate bar) asking me to marry her. So I did a more low key proposal and asked her to marry me in our living room surrounded by our date pics and puppy.

  4. Jasmin: I love Kristi’s smile! She can literally light up a room with it and cheer me up when I’m in the biggest funk. It’s so contagious!

    Kristi: Jasmin’s sense of humor. Also, she laughs at my jokes. Gotta love that!

  5. Jasmin: Kristi likes to try on lots of outfits before choosing the right one for any occasion. This leads to lots of small piles of clothing in our bedroom and it makes sorting clothes for laundry a challenging task.

    Kristi: Jasmin is shorter than me and one thing I have noticed living with her is that she hangs everything from door knobs. I don’t know why but it is so funny!

  6. Jasmin: I’m really looking forward to enjoying this day with my family. We’ve been getting excited all year long and they have been extremely supportive and loving throughout this process. At a time when the world can seem like a grim place my family reminds me that should and will always prevail.

    Kristi: Family and friends. The love on this day will be overwhelming and I can’t wait!

  7. Jasmin: My favorite trend is definitely the greenery trend for 2017! Green is one of my favorite colors and I was excited to incorporate it into our day.

    Kristi: Greenery and neutrals

  8. Jasmin: I wish I had known a bit more about the time it takes to plan the rehearsal luncheon. It takes a lot of time to think about the type of feel that you want it to have and putting together the menu can also be time consuming. Luckily, we had eaten at our location before so we knew our family and friends would enjoy it!

    Vendor List

    Please list as many vendors as you can, we will be sure to give them credit on our post!

    Stylish Blooms

    The North House

    The North House

    Jacqueline Mischance Michanczyk

    Rudy Colella

    Allure Bridal

    Jasmin’s Dress: Mariella Creations

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