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La Piece – The Room Wedding

Teahgan and I met at Keene State College in 2013. I was a Junior and she was in the upcoming Freshman class. We both instantly had two things in common: we loved our fraternity/sorority, and our personality’s were almost one in the same. Teahgan was dancing in a Greek life competition, and that’s when I knew she was the one for me. She had the most beautiful hair I have ever seen, and from that day forward all my friends on campus and I referred to her as “ the girl with the hair”. Her personality radiated with confidence, and although it took me 7 months to convince her to go on a date with me (yes, 7 months) I knew all my hard work would pay off.  -Alex

Alex was the guy on campus that everyone loved, wanted to be friends with, and admired. Everything he did whether it was sports or school, he excelled with pride and perseverance. It was almost too good to be true that someone like him wanted to be with someone like me; I had to make him work for it a little bit to make sure he knew I was truly the one he wanted. I have loved him since the moment he spotted me on that stage.  – Teahgan

When did you know he/she was the one? Was there something he/she did?, etc.

For me, the thing that finally pushed me to know that Teahgan was the one for me is how well we molded both of our lives into one from the beginning of our relationship. Through transitions out of college to new jobs, new living accommodations, and life changes; we continually supported each other and always tried to be better but for each other every single day. – Alex

When Alex so quickly opened up to me about his life; who he was, who he wanted to be, and who he knew he couldn’t be, I knew that someone who was so willing to share his life with me was the type of man my heart was waiting for.  – Teahgan

Tell us about the proposal. (Did you see it coming, how long was it in the planning?, how did you feel? nervous, excited, freaking out?)

The planning stage wasn’t all that long and it took quite a few turns from the final moment, for example, I wanted to propose at the Lincoln Ice Castles in Lincoln, New Hampshire which ended up falling through. I wanted to include more of her friends which ultimately ended up not happening either. However, a month after I purchased the ring a plan came together the week prior to me asking. I met with her mother and father on Thursday and on Saturday we went to Boston for a date night. I took her ice skating in government center, something she had been asking me to do for 3 years. Her mom helped get two of her co-workers to the rink for photos and videos. We skated for a half hour and both of our feet were killing, we both wanted to stop skating but I obviously couldn’t until the coworkers showed, after 20 more minutes of skating and trying to pick 2 people out of the crowd I had never met, finally I saw the coworkers. We made two more laps and I let them get in position and finally we stopped and I had asked Teahgan to marry me. We ended the night with a dinner at The Top of the Hub. -Alex

I love the way Alex makes me feel unconditionally loved and appreciated each and every day. -Teahgan

I love how caring Teahgan is. From the day I met her until now, she simply just cares so deeply for the people around her from friends, family, regardless of how close they are to her. She brings the same compassion and love to our relationship which makes me the luckiest man in the world. – Alex

Alex loves to talk, my favorite thing about him is watching his hand movements and gestures during conversations. You can always tell the emotional setting of each interaction based on his gestures, it is the cutest thing to witness. – Teahgan

Teahgan always speaks so confidently and can get very elaborate with her word choices, but sometimes she throws a completely different word out there whether it is in the dictionary or not. It’s a very minor thing but it’s extremely cute and sometimes hilarious to hear the   creative words she comes up with. – Alex

We both agree that our wedding is not only a celebration of us, but also a celebration for those who have shaped us into the adults we are today. So to be able to take the time out of our wedding to look around and witness our friends and family enjoying themselves, that is what we look forward to most.

Alex and I have always been a very intimate and playful couple. Therefore, we wanted our wedding decor to be a reflection of our love for one another. Our soft color scheme matched with low-lighting and romantic flowers was encouraged to give off the vibe of “ soft and subtle romance”. We wanted all of our guests to walk into the venue and feel instantly that there was love in the air.

Everyone tells you how fast your wedding day is going to fly by; Alex and I expected it, but on the day of you truly do see how quickly your day comes and goes. If we could have done one thing over it would have been to add more time for dancing. Of course, money is always a concern as weddings are not cheap. But your wedding day is a memory you will never forget, and it is one of the very few days in your life when all the people you love and have been with you on this journey will be in the same room, enjoying the same experience, and most of all enjoying themselves.

Vendor List

Please list as many vendors as you can, we will be sure to give them credit on our post!

Hair: The Loft Salon Boston, MA (Michael Albor)
Makeup: Lamoureuxartistry

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