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Willowdale Estate [Rainy] Wedding | Michelle and Mike

  1. At Boston College in he first couple weeks of our freshmen years. We were in the same dorm – Keyes – on Newton campus. We were in the same friend group from the beginning but didn’t start dating until the summer before our senior year.

  2. For some reason, Mike was bugging me to go up to Nonna and Grampy’s town house in Lincoln, NH for a weekend in November. I was excited to get out of the city for a weekend to get out int he White Mountains for some fresh air and a nice fall hike.

    After I grumbled about the long drive for the whole 6 hours (apparently I do that a lot), we finally got up there and started relaxing. For Saturday, we settled on Mt Willard, a nice 2-3 hour hike with an awesome bang-for-your-buck view on the summit, and a peak at Mt. Washington on a clear day. And holy smokes, what a beautiful day we had.

    I didn’t realize why until later, but Mike was being weird (weirder than he usually is) and was taking all these pictures and videos on his phone. But I had my eyes on the prize – the chicken salad sandwiches we had packed for lunch. Once we got the the top and admired the view for a couple minutes, we found a spot to sit and I started digging out our scrumptious, well-deserved lunch. I was digging through the backpack while Mike tells me I should stand up. I’m not really sure what he’s doing – messing around with his camera or something. Anyways, I have more important things to worry about – these beautifully delicious sandwiches. Then I look over at him, and he’s down on one knee with the ring.

  3. Michelle: Hard to pick one thing, I just love him a whole lot. He has the biggest heart, and would do anything for his family.

    Michael: Michelle is such a caring and compassionate person.

  4. We loved celebrating our special day with all our family and friends!!! Even though it poured, we absolutely loved every single second of it.

  5. Not sure if it’s a trend, but we HAD to have donuts 🙂

    We also loved having Nonna and Grandma Betty’s homemade cookies. Such a nice personal touch.

  6. Mike was really good at planning and I should have assigned him to do more things!

  7. Vendor List

    O’Malley’s Floral Expressions
    Willowdale Estate
    Willowdale Estate
    Nichole Armano
    Sam Lurie from TSG Weddings
    Eddy K
    RK Bridal
    Donuts – Union Square Donuts | Cake – Cakes for Occasions  | Homemade Cookies by Nonna and Grandma Betty | Chamber music – C Zone Entertainment

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